Santa is coming! 
Over the years I’ve been asked multiple times to invite Santa into the studio. Parents have wanted to give their kids an opportunity to spend quality time with the “real” Santa, to sit with him, read with him, tell them all about their year, to make sure they are on the “good” list. They don’t want to wait in line over an hour for their kids to get 1 minute, a quick snapshot, and rushed away. They’ve wanted a quality professional photo of their children with Santa that could be brought out year after year as a keepsake.
I haven’t done Santa sessions in the past because well, fall season is an incredibly demanding time of year for me as a photographer, and if I were to do a Santa session, it would need to be done right, and I just didn’t have the time. Something inspired me this year though, maybe because my own kids are getting older and starting to grow out of that magical age of fairy tales and magic, and that this may be our last year that they dream of Christmas morning with starry eyes. Even with the crazy busy fall season, I knew I wanted this experience for my girls, and I wasn’t able to find it anywhere else. So I’m doing it this year for the first time. It may become an annual thing! Here are the details:
Santa sessions will be held on November 26th from 9am-1pm.
Kari Layland Photography
303 21st St Suite 134
Newport, MN 55055
Each family gets 10 minutes with Santa. We will have books to read, a “good list”, maybe even some cookies. They’ll get to spend time with Santa without having to wait in line. Your appointment is for your family only – I will not book multiple families in your time slot like at the mall, or make you wait in line. We have a Christmas tree with gold trimmings, a real barn wood “Santa’s workshop” style backdrop, and will add some gifts and extra decor as we plan for the day.
Based on the level of interest I’ve already gotten at the mere mention of these sessions and the limited number of sessions available, I anticipate these sessions will be sold out very fast. If you’re interested in reserving your time, you may do so below. If you have any questions, you may email me at
Thank you!
When booking, please make sure to put in the notes section the names and ages of children who will be coming, along with any requests.
A few notes about booking:
- Sessions must be paid for at the time of booking and due to the limited number of openings, are not refundable if canceled less than a week prior to your session. If you do not wish to use Paypal at checkout, your payment must be received within 3 days of booking or your session will be made available to another family. Your confirmation email will show you where to mail checks. DO NOT mail checks to the studio, as the studio does not have a mailbox.
- Pick up is Dec 11, 2016 from 11am-2pm, or you can have your order mailed to you for $8 shipping.
- All orders are placed at the time of viewing, immediately after your session. Online galleries are not available for Santa sessions.